Favonian Goodies

Favonian Goodies
Favonian GoodiesNameFavonian Goodies
FamilyHomeworld, Curio, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy30 
Load938 (938)
AE/L Ratio0.03 (0.03)
DescriptionThis booth forms the core of the charity stall and has all manner of materials available within.
"At the request of Logistics Division member Bernhard, the charity stall representing the Knights of Favonius at Weinlesefest has been named 'Favonian Goodies' by Paimon, 'Teyvat's premier guide.'"
"The funds from the charity sale will be pooled by the Knights and donated to old folks and children in need, and as such, is a most important..."
"Paimon said that 'This isn't some super serious job, so you don't have to use all these serious words. This isn't a report, you know! We're here to make people happy, so even our notes should sound happy!'"
"'Paimon stated that 'You don't have to write this stuff down. Just cross it out or something...'"
"Ten minutes after we opened for business, Paimon accidentally knocked a plate of Ham over, cleaned it up, before eating it herself. We shall just have to charge this to her account..."
"Regardless, since this is the first time we are running a shop, we must all make use of our previous experience and work together to accomplish our aims!"

Obtained From


IconNameRewardReward (Total)Ver
Of Ballads and Brews
Of Ballads and Brews
Crown of Insight
Missive Windspear
Hero's Wit
Debris of Decarabian's City
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator
Missive Windspear1
Guide to Freedom5
Debris of Decarabian's City19
Plume of the Changing Winds4
Guide to Resistance5
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth19
Guide to Ballad5
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator19
Hero's Wit34
Mystic Enhancement Ore25
Festive Fever1030
Philosophies of Freedom3
Philosophies of Resistance3
Philosophies of Ballad3
Favonian Goodies1
Shop Frame: Valberry Red1
Strategic Inspiration600
Crown of Insight1
items per Page

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