Fragrance Extraction

Fragrance Extraction
Fragrance ExtractionRelated to Character
DescriptionCreates a Lumidouce Case that deals AoE Dendro DMG.

Lumidouce Case
·Fires Puffs of Puredew at nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Dendro DMG.
·When nearby opponents are affected by Burning, they will give off Scents at intervals, and 1 Scent can be created this way every 2s. The Lumidouce Case collects nearby Scents. The Lumidouce Case will level up after gathering 2 of them, after which it will fire 1 extra Puff of Puredew when firing, while the DMG dealt by and DMG AoE of the above attack will also be increased.
·1 Lumidouce Case created by Emilie herself can exist at any one time. The Case starts at Level 1 and can go up to Level 2. If the Case does not collect any Scents for 8s while it is on the field, it will go back to Level 1.

Arkhe: Pneuma
At intervals, after Emilie creates a Lumidouce Case this way, a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend in front of her and pierce her opponent, dealing Pneuma-aligned Dendro DMG.

"The world is an endless harmony of fragrance, color, and song."
Skill DMG47.08%50.61%54.14%58.85%62.38%65.91%70.62%75.33%80.04%84.74%89.45%94.16%100.05%105.93%111.81%
Level 1 Lumidouce Case Attack DMG39.6%42.57%45.54%49.5%52.47%55.44%59.4%63.36%67.32%71.28%75.24%79.2%84.15%89.1%94.05%
Level 2 Lumidouce Case Attack DMG84%×290.3%×296.6%×2105%×2111.3%×2117.6%×2126%×2134.4%×2142.8%×2151.2%×2159.6%×2168%×2178.5%×2189%×2199.5%×2
Lumidouce Case Duration22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s22s
Spiritbreath Thorn DMG38.52%41.41%44.3%48.15%51.04%53.93%57.78%61.63%65.48%69.34%73.19%77.04%81.85%86.67%91.48%
Spiritbreath Thorn Interval10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s
Skill CD14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s

One response to “Fragrance Extraction”

  1. > ·Fires of (sic) Puffs of Puredew at nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Dendro DMG.
    > ·If nearby opponents are Burning, they will give off Scents at intervals.

    The specific details of “at intervals” is going to determine whether it’s a shitty ability or a great ability.
    I am going to assume it’s similar to Kokomi’s jellyfish for now, which means it should be decent.


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