Let the Show Begin♪

Let the Show Begin♪
Let the Show Begin♪Related to Character
DescriptionSummons water droplets resembling musical notes that form a Melody Loop, dealing Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and applying the Wet status to them.

Melody Loop
·On hit, Barbara's Normal Attacks heal your own party members and nearby teammates for a certain amount of HP, which scales with Barbara's Max HP.
·On hit, Barbara's Charged Attack generates 4 times the amount of healing.
·Periodically regenerates your own active character's HP.
·Applies the Wet status to the character and to opponents who come in contact with them.

Barbara's music is the magic that heals her companions.
HP Regeneration Per Hit0.75% Max HP + 72.220.81% Max HP + 79.450.86% Max HP + 87.270.94% Max HP + 95.70.99% Max HP + 104.731.05% Max HP + 114.361.13% Max HP + 124.591.2% Max HP + 135.431.27% Max HP + 146.861.35% Max HP + 158.91.43% Max HP + 171.541.5% Max HP + 184.791.59% Max HP + 198.631.69% Max HP + 213.081.78% Max HP + 228.13
Continuous Regeneration4% Max HP + 385.194.3% Max HP + 423.714.6% Max HP + 465.455% Max HP + 510.395.3% Max HP + 558.555.6% Max HP + 609.916% Max HP + 664.496.4% Max HP + 722.276.8% Max HP + 783.277.2% Max HP + 847.487.6% Max HP + 914.898% Max HP + 985.528.5% Max HP + 1059.369% Max HP + 1136.419.5% Max HP + 1216.67
Droplet DMG58.4%62.78%67.16%73%77.38%81.76%87.6%93.44%99.28%105.12%110.96%116.8%124.1%131.4%138.7%

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