Thunderbolt Rush

Thunderbolt Rush
Thunderbolt RushRelated to Character
DescriptionIansan charges forward a certain distance, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Electro DMG to all opponents in her path. Within 5s after this is done, using a Normal Attack will trigger 1 quick Swift Stormflight stomp from Iansan that will not consume Stamina.
After this Skill is used, Iansan will regain Nightsoul points up to her maximum and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Iansan
Continuously consumes Nightsoul points. If she runs out, or uses this Skill again, her Nightsoul's Blessing state will end. It has the following properties:
· Increases Iansan's Movement SPD and jumping power.
· Holding sprint will switch Iansan to Thunderbolt Rush mode, greatly increasing her Movement SPD and jumping power temporarily. In this mode, Iansan can make flying leaps using terrain, or consume additional Nightsoul points to move on water or liquid Phlogiston while being immune to DMG from the latter.

"Faster, stronger! That's what all that hard work is for!"
Skill DMG286.4%307.88%329.36%358%379.48%400.96%429.6%458.24%486.88%515.52%544.16%572.8%608.6%644.4%680.2%
Nightsoul Point Limit545454545454545454545454545454

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