The Named Moment

The Named Moment
The Named MomentRelated to Character
DescriptionCalling upon her authority over "conflict," Mavuika summons the All-Fire Armaments passed down through the line of human Archons, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG.
After using this, Mavuika's Nightsoul points are restored to max value, and she enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

All-Fire Armaments
Has different forms when Tapped or Held.

"Divine Name Unleashed": The All-Fire Armaments manifest as a Ring of Searing Radiance. The Ring follows the current active character and attacks nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG.

"Ancient Name Unbound": The All-Fire Armaments manifest as a Flamestrider. In this state, Mavuika can ride the Flamestrider at high speed, or activate its hidden backup propulsion module to temporarily cross various terrain types and glide in mid-air. Mavuika's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will also be converted to deal Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG which cannot be overridden. When sprinting, she also deals Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG to opponents along her path.

While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, Tapping the Elemental Skill can switch the All-Fire Armaments' form. The Armaments will disappear once Mavuika's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Mavuika
Continuously consumes Nightsoul points according to the All-Fire Armaments' form. Mavuika's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends once her Nightsoul points are exhausted.

If you told Mavuika that in another world vehicles like the Flamestrider required license plates for identification, that would make her happy too:
"Well, mine's the only one that exists here. Guess that means I get to pick whatever plate number I want, huh?"
Skill DMG74.4%79.98%85.56%93%98.58%104.16%111.6%119.04%126.48%133.92%141.36%148.8%158.1%167.4%176.7%
Ring of Searing Radiance DMG128%137.6%147.2%160%169.6%179.2%192%204.8%217.6%230.4%243.2%256%272%288%304%
Ring of Searing Radiance Attack Interval2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s
Flamestrider Normal Attack 1-Hit DMG57.26%61.93%66.59%73.25%77.91%83.23%90.56%97.88%105.21%113.2%121.19%129.18%137.17%145.16%153.15%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 2-Hit DMG59.13%63.95%68.76%75.63%80.45%85.95%93.51%101.08%108.64%116.89%125.14%133.39%141.64%149.89%158.15%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 3-Hit DMG69.99%75.68%81.38%89.52%95.21%101.72%110.68%119.63%128.58%138.35%148.11%157.88%167.64%177.41%187.17%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 4-Hit DMG69.7%75.38%81.05%89.16%94.83%101.31%110.23%119.15%128.06%137.79%147.51%157.24%166.97%176.69%186.42%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 5-Hit DMG91%98.41%105.82%116.4%123.81%132.27%143.91%155.55%167.19%179.89%192.59%205.29%217.99%230.68%243.38%
Flamestrider Sprint DMG80.84%87.42%94%103.4%109.98%117.5%127.84%138.18%148.52%159.8%171.08%182.36%193.64%204.92%216.2%
Flamestrider Charged Attack Cyclic DMG98.9%106.95%115%126.5%134.55%143.75%156.4%169.05%181.7%195.5%209.3%223.1%236.9%250.7%264.5%
Flamestrider Charged Attack Final DMG137.6%148.8%160%176%187.2%200%217.6%235.2%252.8%272%291.2%310.4%329.6%348.8%368%
Flamestrider Plunge DMG159.96%172.98%186%204.6%217.62%232.5%252.96%273.42%293.88%316.2%338.52%360.84%383.16%405.48%427.8%
Nightsoul Point Limit808080808080808080808080808080

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