The First Days of the City of Kings

The First Days of the City of Kings
The First Days of the City of KingsNameThe First Days of the City of Kings
FamilyArtifact Piece, Flower of Life
Part of the Set
Desert Pavilion Chronicle
Desert Pavilion Chronicle
Conversion Exp2520
Max Level17
Artifact AffixDesert Pavilion Chronicle
2-PieceAnemo DMG Bonus +15%
4-PieceWhen Charged Attacks hit opponents, the equipping character's Normal Attack SPD will increase by 10% while Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG will increase by 40% for 15s.
DescriptionAn artificial flower that shimmers with a strange light. If you incline your ear to it, you can vaguely hear charming laughter issuing from within.

Table of Content
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Item Story

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Main Stats

Legacy of the Desert High-Born
End of the Golden Realm
The First Days of the City of Kings
Timepiece of the Lost Path
Defender of the Enchanting Dream
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Health Flat645828101111941377155917421925210822912474265728393022320533883571


Health Flat7179201123132615301733193621392342254527492952315533583561376439674171437445774780

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Item Story

Fallen noble, please heed this man so old and blind.
Heed the lessons of Gurabad, heed the evanescence of the flowers made by man.
Heed the king of common birth, and the mad love and boiling fury possessed by the Jinn...

Legend has it that the Lord of the Sands made a pact with humanity after the passing of his lover, with the Jinn as his envoys.
Only those who possessed hearts of iron and were untainted by the allure of corruption,
Could serve as a vassal-king and guide the people, like a shepherd tending to a flock.
Just like that, under the merciful yet stern gaze of her master, the Jinni found her choice...
Ormazd, a young shepherd at the time, fell in love with the lily-born Liloupar.

"I shall grant you a hundred generations of blessings, at the price of sharp retribution and the spilling of red wine."
"For the mad love that we Jinn possess is chained to greed and want, and carries with it self-deigned retribution."

Yet, beneath the light of the moon, Ormazd failed to take heed of these warnings...
It was as if such fated punishment was still far from this valiant youth.
Under the guidance of the Jinni, the young shepherd became the leader of his nomadic clan,
And as time went on, Ormazd defeated his divided rivals and found himself crowned the vassal king.

Gurabad bloomed like a man-made flower in a cliff wall, becoming the capital of the mortals.
Once a shepherd, Ormazd had now become the vassal king, proxy of the Lord of the Sands.
Yet, even as the flowers bloomed and their fragrance filled the air, who would have thought that...
The most bitter and violent demise was to follow the most vibrant bloom.

Following the old tales told to him by his master, Xiphos began his journey to the city of sapphires,
Toward the lessons buried beneath the sands of yesteryear, which he would in future find repeated as the winds of infinite time blew...

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