Perinheri (II)

Perinheri (II)
Perinheri (II)NamePerinheri (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969367, Book, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionThis text is also known as "Hleobranto Innamorato." The author of the first edition claims to have based this tale on a legendary story known throughout Khaenri'ah, but there are none left who can verify this. It is an anthological work produced over several generations at this point.

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That day, the orphanage welcomed a new member. She was a beautiful young lady from a foreign land who claimed to be a noble princess. Her nation had been defeated by Deus Auri, and yet the daughter of a priestly line she remained, and would not submit to the new god, and so she had drifted, wandering through the gates of their Kingdom. She called herself Angelica (Note 1), meaning "one who is as a divine emissary."
Fair Angelica declared that she would only marry the mightiest knight in all the Kingdom. Perinheri cared not a whit, but Hleobrant was smitten with her. Angelica would often take walks near the Sea of Wells, and there she spoke much of the outside world to Hleobrant. Perinheri would come along out of concern for his friend, and because suspicion was born in him sooner than curiosity, he would doubt her every word, yet wished that he might see these things one day.

Angelica's arrival changed Hleobrant altogether. He would cause trouble, looking for any provocation upon which to stake a duel against other knights. He would win all these bouts, and turn to Angelica to show off his prowess. Yet all she ever gave him was a cool smile, for what great feat was it for a great runner if they raced a tortoise and triumphed?
"Njord, who walks with the Darksprites (Note 2), Alf, the greatest warrior in the Universitas Magistrorum, Alberich, commander of half the knights, and Perinheri the undefeated." Angelica spoke thus of the mightiest figures in the Kingdom as she saw them.
Having fallen head over heels into the throes of love, Hleobrant came to what was an all-too-reasonable conclusion for himself. People might call him a traitor, or believe him mad. But even so, he had no wish to hurt Perinheri.
As for Perinheri, he believed that his best friend's madness would be cured, if only he could kill Angelica.

In the midst of that most merciless of pursuits, the three left the Kingdom's borders. At that very moment, Hleobrant clutched his face, and the words escaping his mouth gradually grew more like the howling of a wild beast.
The witch, Angelica, explained thus: "Hleobrant is the descendant of those who forsook their god and came to the Kingdom. This is why the Kingdom's obstinately pure-blooded aristocracy persists. This is the price of betraying your own god."
"As for you, Perinheri, you are one who drifted there. Thus, you bear no such curse. You may not have the nobility to shoulder a world, but you too have your own destiny."
"And as for me? I betrayed no one, not for a moment, until my god died, so I too bear this curse not. But you now see who I truly am, yes?"
The sun rose over the horizon at that moment, and Perinheri's blade slipped from his fingers, exhausted from the night-long battle. Covering his forehead with the back of his hand, he looked upon the sun for the first time. And when he glanced back at Angelica, he saw that she was neither a beautiful woman from Liyue nor a wicked witch.
"I am freedom, that which has broken free of fate. This is what Hleobrant sought in agony, but that which is now yours for the taking."
There was nothing before Perinheri, only vast, empty land.

Note 1: Note that the ancient people of Liyue did not use such names. Now that I consider it, her name may have been "Lady Miaoyin" (Lady of Wondrous Sound) or "Tianwang Nu" (Servant of Tianwang).
Note 2: The black wolves of the first edition. Archaeological work on Khaenri'ah indicates that this must have been a type of warbeast created using alchemy. Alchemy and the Beastmaster Knights were a mainstay during the Crimson Moon Dynasty, but interest in mechanical engineering during the Eclipse Dynasty would cause it to fall behind.

Special thanks goes to:
Mr. Denon's archaeological studies into Khaenri'ah, which inspired this work (1st edition)
Mr. Jean Figeac's continued writings and refinements, which have given this story its ending (2nd edition)
Mrs. Jean Figeac and Mr. Jean Figeac fils, for their corrections of misc. typos (3rd edition)
A compilation of Karl Ingold's records from "Investigations into an Abandoned City" (13th edition)
Mr. Karasawa's assistance in natural history and miscellaneous studies (14th edition)
Mr. Yun's notes on Liyue Culture (15th edition)

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One response to “Perinheri (II)”

  1. So… this portrays that Khaenriah, unlike the other seven nations, once ruled by the Sovereigns (crimson moon), now ruled by Celestia and its ruler gods (darker moon), was trapped from the very beginning…?
    Not to mention that no Gods were existing in Khaenriah ever ruling, not even Sovereign was mentioned there.
    Something tells me Teyvat might actually be once an advanced planet, not until its fall and firstly ruled by the Sovereigns; sin upon sin.


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