The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria (II)

The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria (II)
The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria (II)NameThe History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria
DescriptionIt is said that the great scholar Pulteney wrote this epic historical work concerning the ancient Remurian civilization in the early years of the founding of Fontaine.

Item Story

Greatness and glory unto Remuria, and its immortal ruler, Remus, king of all under heaven and universal Harmost. Today, the glamor and luxury of the bygone Eternal City is beyond the imagination of even the most knowledgeable scholars.
As you sailed past the Ocean Pillars along the royal fairway to the giant port playing host to Fortuna the imperial ship, you would have first seen a lofty tower. The tower of Remuria was not built to receive heavenly oracles, but to guide ships traveling between islands in the high waters. It is said that the tower stood at the border of reality and dreams. Even if sailors were to be lured into slumber by sirens, they could follow the sound of the bell to break through the mist and find their way to Remuria.
Continuing along the royal fairway leading to Machimos, where the brave Remurian warriors lived. The grand temples and arenas were built with giant carved rocks to commemorate the city's glory and victory. The solid and towering walls are decorated with glaze and gold, bronze and marble statues arrayed the land, and gold, spices and specialties from the world over piled up in the markets.
Traveling through Machimos, you would arrive at Capitolium, the center of Remuria, overflowing with delightful aromas and beautiful melodies. It was a paradise for artists, where only the most outstanding intellectuals and musicians were allowed. Even among them, however, only a small fraction enjoyed the privilege of serving the God King. Here, all the theaters and palaces were established in shapes most harmonious, their beams and domes adorned with the most sumptuous and intricate carvings, and centered on a golden palace of towering copper pillars. The King, resting peacefully at the heart of the palace, listened closely to every melody and every note coming from every corner of the empire. Upon hearing any discord, the God King would correct it immediately with a pluck of his strings, bringing perfection to the symphony of his empire.
To keep all the people upon the high water from destroying the symphony of universal harmony, King Remus promoted four humans of great capability to high post. He shared his power and authority with them, making them his partners in governance, the Harmosts for all cities, to eliminate all discordant sounds.
To spread the harmonious symphony throughout the world, he built far-reaching fairways, which conveyed the melodies as never-ending ripples from Capitolium to every corner that sat above the high waters.
Yet fate's decree was not for even such as gods to defy, and to even attempt to escape destined judgment was a mortal sin. Amongst the God King's sins, the most terrible was the attempt to pass power that should have been reserved for the godly domain to humans. Thus, this power and status led to corruption and decadence, leading to violence and revolts.
Such is fate's cunning that it uses the very powers that rebel against it to its own ends. When the day of destiny arrived, Remuria, the grand immortal city, faced an inevitable end. Today, the God King's melody is played only in Capitolium, and his mighty reign has ended.
Thusly do the ancient writers concur — "Oceans will rise, empires will fall, and the only constant is change."

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