Akademiya Investigation Team’s Logs (III)

Akademiya Investigation Team's Logs (III)
Akademiya Investigation Team's Logs (III)NameAkademiya Investigation Team's Logs (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Diary of a Valiant Struggle (I)
DescriptionAkademiya Investigation Team's Logs (III)

Item Story

...Though defensive mechanisms prevented a thorough investigation of the previous underground ruins, we collected enough astounding information to basically meet the goals of this expedition...
...Due to unknown reasons, a disagreement within the investigative team arose as to whether we should investigate another ruin. Some team members mentioned that they had been disturbed by some kind of sound coming from under the ground...
...At the insistence of our team leader, we decided to continue onward...
...Klingsor has been completely captivated by the knowledge in the ruins, and no longer impedes the continued progress of our investigation in any way...
...By interpreting the records left behind by previous researchers, we have made some unexpected discoveries...
...It seems we can be certain that those mindless races that suddenly appeared in the desert in great numbers, the creatures that the Desertfolk mistakenly call "Majuj," are in fact the innocent survivors of that ancient country, transformed somehow...

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