“Returning Curios” Memento (III)

Name"Returning Curios" Memento (III)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Family"Returning Curios" Memento (I), Non-Codex Series
DescriptionA memento discovered at a treasure site in the Veluriyam Mirage event, "Returning Curios." The treasure chest that contains it corresponds to the third code — "A blue, spotless ceiling, a floor of white candy, soft companions surround me, I too have wings!"

Item Story

Hey there, youngster... or grownup, or oldie, or whoever you are! I see you've found my treasure and read my diary!
I'm an inventor and adventurer! Even Miss Idyia thinks I'm a genius, you know.
This fantastic water park is the furthest place I've reached so far. I've had a great time here. How about you?
It's okay if you haven't been having fun! I'm sure you'll be just like me, and find even more cool and distant parks to explore in the future!
According to Mama and Papa's story, there's a paradise for finches and crystalflies on top of a cloud. I made this kite to find that paradise and play with them!
But when I used the kite to fly, I couldn't find that paradise. Maybe it's because I wasn't flying high enough.
But that's fine! I landed in the desert, made friends with a super cool, super huge red bird, and even rode for a long way on the back of a huge creature with many legs. I think they call them... scorepeons, or something?
Oh and also, I met Miss Idyia, who managed to convince the big red bird and the big scorepeons to turn around and go back to sleep!
And after that, she took me to this water park, where the flying balls of water were even more magical than the crystalflies!
They gave me tasty apples, assisted me in my search for construction materials, helped me build a new kite, and even took me onto new adventures in mysterious places, so that I can see the scenery from super-duper high up!
Miss Idyia said that if I were to become a super famous adventurer someday, then this place must be my first stop, the start of my journey!
Soooo I drew the first super kite that I invented in my diary! ... Well, the blueprint of the thing, anyway.
Who knows, maybe you'll also be able to visit many unexpected new places and meet many new friends after making and using it!
Oh and also, before you use it, please make sure to tie a lot of balloons to your body. This is important if you don't want to get hurt when you crash onto the ground!
Anyway, alllll the best of luck! May you fly even higher than I did with this kite!
(You find many sketches at the end of the diary. This must be the kite that the diary-writer is referring to. While the handwriting is messy, the sketch is quite neat. The featured design is well-shaped, has an effective weight-bearing skeletal structure, and many safety features. It is apparent that only a highly educated child could have produced such a high-level design. Maybe the diary-writer is the child of scholarly parents, and has been interested in engineering since early childhood.)
(Unfortunately, as it has been designed by a child, the kite can also only be used by a child. It is too small, and unlike a glider, cannot support the weight of an adult for an extended amount of time. Maybe it could become the perfect toy for Paimon... if you were to dedicate a lot of time into actually building it, using the blueprint as a reference, that is. The process will probably be quite painstaking for the inexperienced...)

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