Scattered Yet Well-Preserved Pages (I)

Scattered Yet Well-Preserved Pages (I)
Scattered Yet Well-Preserved Pages (I)NameScattered Yet Well-Preserved Pages (I)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, 34th Independent Investigative Squad Deployment in Mont Esus (Eastern Quadrant) Deployment Plan

Item Story

A great artist must leave something behind for future generations. I, Guy Verhaecht, am confident that one day people will compete just to read my ideation notes.
All the troubles I've been dealing with are but trivial stumbling blocks along my path to success.
I see little promise in the youngsters at the Darshan. They just do whatever their teachers say and never take the time to consider where the future of art lies.
And those teachers are an arrogant lot. Their trust in nothing but their old experiences leaves them unable to adapt, let alone expect them to have the insight to learn new things and expand their horizons.
A falling out with them was inevitable. And what's the worst that could happen? Never going into that studio again?
At least I'm not living in the past! The masterpiece I'm going to create will prove my point.
Following ossified rules and clinging slavishly to by-the-book research is not the way to achieve something great in art.
Of course, it is equally unwise to cater to the aesthetic conceptions of the many while disregarding one's independent thought.
To capture the minds of all who lay eyes on the painting with the absolute beauty of our lines and shades — that is what we are supposed to pursue.
A work of art like that must be unimpeachable in its details and coloring.
Only thus can a sense of beauty that connects us be conveyed.
To achieve something like that, I must travel around the world to gain different experiences of beauty and find that which unites them.
It is time for me to set out on my artistic journey. On the one hand, I shall find the universal beauty that exists in the hearts of all people...
And on the other, I shall enlighten the common people with my aesthetics, paving my road to fame.

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