Embattle: Chapter III

TitleChapter III
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Ascend a Pyro Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Witch's Ever-Burning Plume1
Sanctifying Unction8
Ascend a Cryo Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Icebreaker's Resolve1
Sanctifying Unction8
Ascend an Electro Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Survivor of Catastrophe1
Sanctifying Unction8
Ascend a Hydro Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Gust of Nostalgia1
Sanctifying Unction8
Ascend a Geo Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Feather of Jagged Peaks1
Sanctifying Unction8
Ascend an Anemo Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Viridescent Arrow Feather1
Sanctifying Unction8
Ascend a Dendro Character other than the Traveler to Phase 30 / 1
Scholar of Vines1
Sanctifying Unction8
Enhance Prototype Rancour to Level 500 / 1
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir6
Mist Grass6
Sergeant's Insignia6
Enhance Favonius Warbow to Level 500 / 1
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator6
Chaos Circuit6
Shimmering Nectar6
Enhance 4 4-star artifacts to Lv. 120 / 4
Sanctifying Essence2
Sanctifying Unction4
Enhance 8 4-star artifacts to Lv. 120 / 8
Sanctifying Essence2
Sanctifying Unction4
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