Fairytale Figurine: A Light Touch

Fairytale Figurine: A Light Touch
Fairytale Figurine: A Light TouchNameFairytale Figurine: A Light Touch
FamilyHomeworld, Fairytale Figurines, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionA model of a smart and capable hamster, vividly recreating their appearance as they scurry about carrying Bulle Fruit. Can be placed on a "Good Shelf" for display.
Hamsters have relatively short arms, and cannot lift objects the usual way. As such, they have developed special techniques to carry these objects on their heads. However, these techniques have raised the model's center of gravity, making stability somewhat of an issue. As such, a light touch is required when setting it up to prevent it from tipping over and being damaged.

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