Fairytale Figurine: Steadfast Hero

Fairytale Figurine: Steadfast Hero
Fairytale Figurine: Steadfast HeroNameFairytale Figurine: Steadfast Hero
FamilyHomeworld, Fairytale Figurines, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionA more striking blue paper frog model that can be placed on a "Good Shelf" for display.
Xudi reveals that this model series was based on a certain superstar competitor in the Rainsong Pond jumping contest. This frog displayed great jumping prowess during the competition, leaving a deep impression on Xudi. As such, he decided to make a somewhat larger model to match the frog's excellent skills — in Xudi's memory, at least, this one once leaped far higher than any other.

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