Good Shelf: In the Forest of Blessings

Good Shelf: In the Forest of Blessings
Good Shelf: In the Forest of BlessingsNameGood Shelf: In the Forest of Blessings
FamilyHomeworld, Curio, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy30 
Load350 (350)
AE/L Ratio0.09 (0.09)
DescriptionA dynamic and energetic "Good Shelf," this origami decoration features sturdy and reliable trays and shrub-shaped displays ideal for showing off figurines related to the fairytale Forest of Blessings.
It is said that the most important task for a "Good Shelf" is to honestly protect all things. Thus, whether the joyous jumping contest of Rainsong Pond, the raucous banquets of the Calligraphy Tavern, or the stunning scenery of the Kingdom of Breezes and Bells, all can be recreated without reservation by this Good Shelf.

Obtained From


IconNameRewardReward (Total)Ver
Summertide Scales and Tales
Summertide Scales and Tales
Crown of Insight
Good Shelf: In the Forest of Blessings
Philosophies of Equity
Hero's Wit
Agnidus Agate Fragment
Sanctifying Unction
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Philosophies of Equity2
Philosophies of Justice2
Philosophies of Order2
Sanctifying Essence2
Crown of Insight1
Starsail Coin445
Guide to Equity12
Hero's Wit39
Sanctifying Unction42
Guide to Justice12
Guide to Order12
Good Shelf: In the Forest of Blessings3
Good Shelf: Metropole Cityscape3
Good Shelf: Mining Traces3
Mystic Enhancement Ore6
items per Page

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