Shop Ornament: Just One Bite

Shop Ornament: Just One Bite
Shop Ornament: Just One BiteNameShop Ornament: Just One Bite
FamilyHomeworld, Shop Components, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionThis ornament, hung in a very visible spot at the storefront, features a most tantalizing steak that is neither being served nor being sold to the guests. Instead, it is being used as a reference and a standard that all should follow, encouraging all chefs to hone their culinary skills.
"They say that this is the greatest steak in Mondstadt and has been marinated in such a way that it will not deteriorate."
"Quite a few passing customers have been attracted by the scent of that steak, and have asked us more or less what Paimon did when she first saw this dish — 'could you sell me a piece of that? Just one bite will do!'"
"We had to explain to Paimon that it was meant as a standard template, upon which she reluctantly swallowed and promised not to try to eat it."
"The customers also understood our reasoning, and indeed started to look to the other items on sale in the shop, leading to a great number of meat items being sold!"

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