Shop Ornament: Orderly Queue

Shop Ornament: Orderly Queue
Shop Ornament: Orderly QueueNameShop Ornament: Orderly Queue
FamilyHomeworld, Shop Components, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionThis ornament, hung in a very visible spot at the storefront, features two flags of different colors that can be used to guide customers to queue up.
"Red is the color of raw meat, and represents savory foods; on the other hand, blue reminds people of Berry & Mint Burst, which stands for sweet flavors."
"By this we mean to split the customers into two queues according to these flavors, such that the order at the storefront can be kept regardless of the number of customers we get."
"However, Paimon has mentioned that 'red reminds people of sweet Sunsettias, while blue makes them think of the salty sea and salty fish.'"
"This argument might be a bit hard to resolve. There's a more pressing issue at hand, too. On which side of the shop should either queue be?"

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