Landscape Accessory: Bright Aroma

Landscape Accessory: Bright Aroma
Landscape Accessory: Bright AromaNameLandscape Accessory: Bright Aroma
FamilyHomeworld, Shop Components, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionThis store-side display, gifted to you by Noelle, features lovely bonsai atop a round desk. Even at ten paces out, the light aroma from these plants is quite noticeable, and noticeably calming at that.
"I queried Paimon as to the types of fragrances she likes, and she immediately replied 'of course Paimon likes the smell of food!' without once considering that I was really asking about plant scents."
"Still, does there exist some sort of flower that gives off a scent similar to that of food?"

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