Wood-Carved Cape: Polymath

Wood-Carved Cape: Polymath
Wood-Carved Cape: PolymathNameWood-Carved Cape: Polymath
FamilyHomeworld, Carving Component, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
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DescriptionA lightweight and convenient wood-carved cape that can be used to assemble an "Aranara Carving."
It was modeled after the cape of the young Forest Watcher in Gandharva Ville who is also a talented botanist. There is one specific type of fairy tale that is not known for compelling plots or profound lessons. Instead, they focus on detailed introductions of all kinds of mushrooms and trees in Sumeru. These tales share a fixed way of storytelling: A mischievous Aranara discovers some unknown plants, and then comes the Aranara titled the Polymath who will patiently introduce the plants in an educational and entertaining manner.

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IconNameRewardReward (Total)Ver
Graven Innocence
Graven Innocence
Crown of Insight
Hero's Wit
Philosophies of Admonition
Philosophies of Ingenuity
Philosophies of Praxis
Mystic Enhancement Ore
Creative Note5000
Mystic Enhancement Ore76
Woodland Stand1
Hero's Wit50
Whimsical Draft2400
Guide to Admonition14
Guide to Ingenuity14
Guide to Praxis14
Wooden Torso: Swagger1
Wooden Torso: Cozy Rest1
Wooden Torso: Tiger's Roar1
Wooden Torso: Wise Elder1
Pink Torso: Swagger1
Pink Torso: Cozy Rest1
Pink Torso: Tiger's Roar1
Pink Torso: Wise Elder1
Blue Torso: Swagger1
Blue Torso: Cozy Rest1
Blue Torso: Tiger's Roar1
Blue Torso: Wise Elder1
Wooden Head: Ho Ho1
Wooden Head: Hehe1
Wooden Head: Hmph1
Wooden Head: Boohoo1
Pink Head: Ho Ho1
Pink Head: Hehe1
Pink Head: Hmph1
Pink Head: Boohoo1
Blue Head: Ho Ho1
Blue Head: Hehe1
Blue Head: Hmph1
Blue Head: Boohoo1
Wood-Carved Eyes: I'm All Ears1
Wood-Carved Eyes: How May I Help You1
Wood-Carved Eyes: Say That Again, I Dare You1
Wood-Carved Eyes: I Don't Get It1
Wood-Carved Hat: Merchant1
Wood-Carved Hat: Forest Dwellers1
Wood-Carved Hat: Diviner1
Wood-Carved Hat: Slacker1
Wood-Carved Hat: Fareweller1
Wood-Carved Cape: Forest Guardian1
Wood-Carved Cape: Polymath1
Wood-Carved Cape: Singer1
Crown of Insight1
Agnidus Agate Fragment6
Varunada Lazurite Fragment6
Nagadus Emerald Fragment6
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment6
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment6
Shivada Jade Fragment6
Prithiva Topaz Fragment6
Philosophies of Admonition2
Philosophies of Ingenuity2
Philosophies of Praxis2
items per Page

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