Snowman Hands: Chivalrous Cleanup

Snowman Hands: Chivalrous Cleanup
Snowman Hands: Chivalrous CleanupNameSnowman Hands: Chivalrous Cleanup
FamilyHomeworld, Snowman Component, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy
Load0 (0)
DescriptionTwo hands holding a broom. Can be used to build a Puffy Snowman.
Snowmen equipped with such hands suddenly appear most proper indeed, gaining a sense of duty not unlike a Knight of Favonius might have while manning their post. As to what this duty might be... Sweeping the leftover snow out of the courtyard, perhaps?
As such, it has also gained the honored, if comically exaggerated, nickname of "Hands of the Chivalrous Cleaner."

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