Majestic Scene Within the Sphere: Lucky Glow

Majestic Scene Within the Sphere: Lucky Glow
Majestic Scene Within the Sphere: Lucky GlowNameMajestic Scene Within the Sphere: Lucky Glow
FamilyHomeworld, Memento, Indoor Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy90 
Load423 (317)
AE/L Ratio0.21 (0.28)
DescriptionA glowing ornamental sphere with donated juvenile Violetglow Jellyfish floating within. These small, non-venomous jellyfish gather in the water and emit a gentle glow, creating a captivating sight and making them highly esteemed among terrarium and aquarium hobbyists in the Court of Fontaine. It is said that these jellyfish bring good luck to the household when displayed in bedrooms or studies. However, neglecting or mistreating them invites great misfortune, as it is seen as a betrayal of the goodwill of these little jellyfish. But Paimon and you are well aware that this rumor probably stems from... a peculiar story about someone carelessly releasing them into the wild.

Obtained From


Radiant Harvest: Compensation
Radiant Harvest: CompensationThe deadline for retrieving the Violetglow Jellyfish is nearing. It's time to check in on how Kesean's doing...
Adventurer's Experience4
Majestic Scene Within the Sphere: Lucky Glow1
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