Gladiator’s Nostalgia

Gladiator's Nostalgia
Gladiator's NostalgiaNameGladiator's Nostalgia
FamilyArtifact Piece, Flower of Life
Part of the Set
Gladiator's Finale
Gladiator's Finale
Conversion Exp2520
Max Level17
Artifact AffixGladiator's Finale
2-PieceATK +18%.
4-PieceMeningkatkan 35% DMG Normal Attack karakter yang menggunakan Sword, Claymore, Polearm.
DescriptionTidak ada yang pernah memahami mengapa sang gladiator legendaris selalu mengenakan bunga ini di dadanya, di satu-satunya titik kelemahan kesatria brutal tersebut.

Table of Content
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Item Story

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Main Stats

Gladiator's Triumphus
Gladiator's Destiny
Gladiator's Nostalgia
Gladiator's Longing
Gladiator's Intoxication
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Health Flat645828101111941377155917421925210822912474265728393022320533883571


Health Flat7179201123132615301733193621392342254527492952315533583561376439674171437445774780

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Item Story

Sebuah bunga biasa yang dipetik oleh sang tuan.
Dia membuat lencana dari bunga tersebut dan menyematkannya di dada sang gladiator. Melambangkan sisi halus diri tuannya.

Sebelum gladiator tersebut menjadi seorang Jenderal legendaris, dia pernah berjalan-jalan di taman dengan tuannya.
Tuannya memetik bunga dan memberikannya kepada pelayannya.
"Tidak semua hadiah berarti adalah imbalan. Terkadang itu hanyalah sebuah aksi biasa."
Suatu hari di masa depan, tuannya akan berkata seperti itu padanya.

Gladiator yang tak terkalahkan akhirnya jatuh di hadapan kaki gadis asing itu,
Pada saat itu, dia mengingat sebuah mimpi yang dia punya bertahun-tahun lalu,
"Sebuah bunga yang indah. Entah kapan aku bisa memulai perjalananku untuk melihatnya"
"Aku ingin melihat seberapa indahnya bunga tersebut."

One response to “Gladiator's Nostalgia”

  1. Item story:
    An ordinary flower picked gently by the gladiator’s master.
    He made a brooch with it and pinned it on the gladiator’s chest. It came to symbolize his gentler side.

    Before the gladiator became a living legend, he once strolled with his young master in the garden.
    The master picked a flower and gave it to the silent slave.
    “Not all gifts are given out of benevolence. Sometimes they are nothing more than acts of whimsy.”
    One day in the far-off future, the gladiator’s sly master would say these words to him.

    The invincible gladiator finally fell at the foreign girl’s feet.
    At that moment, he recalled a dream he had had many years ago.
    “Such beautiful flowers. I wonder when I’ll be able to begin my own journey to see them.”
    “I’d like to see how beautiful the wild flowers are.”


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