Gladiator’s Destiny

Gladiator's Destiny
Gladiator's DestinyNameGladiator's Destiny
FamilyArtifact Piece, Plume of Death
Part of the Set
Gladiator's Finale
Gladiator's Finale
Conversion Exp2520
Max Level17
Artifact AffixGladiator's Finale
2-PieceATK +18%.
4-PieceMeningkatkan 35% DMG Normal Attack karakter yang menggunakan Sword, Claymore, Polearm.
DescriptionSetangkai bulu impian yang terbang sebebas elang. Di akhir karir legendaris sang juara, bulu ini disematkan ke dadanya oleh burung yang tak pernah terkekang apa pun, sebagai sebuah tanda kebebasan.

Table of Content
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Item Story

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Main Stats

Gladiator's Triumphus
Gladiator's Destiny
Gladiator's Nostalgia
Gladiator's Longing
Gladiator's Intoxication
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Attack Flat4254667890102113125137149161173185197209221232


Attack Flat47607386100113126139152166179192205219232245258272285298311

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Item Story

Sebuah akhir tiba bagi gladiator yang tak terkalahkan itu,
Penantang muda itu memberikan penghormatan terakhirnya kepada sang gladiator.

Saat kesombongan kemenangan dan nafsu untuk kebebasan sirna seperti kabut di pagi hari,
Dan saat fajar menyingsing di arena melalui lapisan awal yang berselimuti darah, sang gladiator melihat seekor burung terbang.

Hanya satu pertarungan lagi sampai dia bebas, dan sang gladiator dikalahkan oleh seorang gadis.
Tangisan dan lolongan pecah seperti petir, namun sang pemenang tidak mau mempermalukan lawannya dengan membunuhnya.
Dia menolak untuk menusukkan pedangnya ke tenggorokan lawannya dan mengakhiri hidupnya seolah dia adalah seorang budak.

Luka-luka yang telah sembuh di tubuh sang gladiator diselimuti oleh bulu-bulu yang tak terlihat.
Dia akhirnya pergi melakukan perjalanan, akhirnya bebas bagaikan seekor burung,
Tujuannya adalah tempat di mana bunga mekar dan burung terbang bebas.

One response to “Gladiator's Destiny”

  1. Item story:

    The end had finally come for the triumphant gladiator.
    The young challenger paid her final homage to the gladiator.

    When the vanity of victory and desire for freedom dissipated into the air like the morning fog,
    and when the light of dawn finally shone on the arena through layers of blood-soaked clouds, the gladiator saw a flying bird.

    One battle away from being free, the gladiator was defeated by an anonymous girl.
    Cries and howls burst out in the crowd like pounding thunder, but the victor refused to humiliate her opponent by execution.
    She refused to plunge her sword into the opponent’s throat and end his life like that of a slave.

    The gladiator’s healing wounds were covered with invisible feathers.
    He eventually set off on a journey, finally as free as a bird.
    His destination was the place where flowers bloom and birds soar.


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