| Name | Notions colorées |
Family | Weapon, Catalyst |
Rarity |      |
Conversion Exp | 300000 |
Base Attack | 47.54 |
Substat Type | Critical Damage % |
Base Substat | 9.6% |
Weapon Affix | Souhait d'arc-en-ciel tombant |
Affix Description | Augmente l'ATQ de 28 %. De plus, utiliser une attaque plongeante accorde l'effet Teinte d'aube, augmentant les DGT CRIT des attaques plongeantes de 28 %, tandis qu'utiliser une compétence élémentaire ou un déchaînement élémentaire accorde l'effet Splendeur d'aurore, augmentant les DGT CRIT des attaques plongeantes de 40 %. Chacun de ces deux effets dure 15 s et prend fin 0,1 s après qu'un impact au sol touche. |
Description | Un trophée fabriqué à partir des pierres précieuses du Collectif de l'abondance et des cristaux du Clan des fleurplumes. On dit qu'il a appartenu à un lutteur légendaire. |
Weapon Ascension Materials | |
14 responses to “Notions colorées”
Heard this weapon is like marginally better than Lost prayer. Glad I finally the first truly skippable weapon on Natlan characters xD
No. you cant do this to me.
“Both effects will be canceled 0.1s after the shockwave from landing hits an opponent” Can someone explain this line in Razor language?
after big damage no more extra damage
How I understood it:
– You get your buffs
– You plunge
– You land, it hits an enemy, it creates a shockwave
– Your buffs are gone
doing plunge give plunge buff.
doing skill or burst give other plunge buff.
after plunge hit, both buff disappear.
need to use skill or burst between plunges to get all plunge buffs for every plunge hit.
i think varesa needs to use skill or burst everytime to jump anyways, but other characters (with xianyun buff or something else) usually do not do this.
Plunge for big damage. E or Q for bigger damage. The big damage only works for 1 plunge, must use E or Q again.
looks like the base ATK tables on all weapons on this site are scuffed atm (Lv and Lv+ values are the same)
why does it say the weapons attack is 487 at lvl 90??? is that real???
of course 674
Plunging Xianyun am I right guys
plunging yae would work, but that’s ironic considering the cow girl is also an electro catalyst specifically for plunges
Yeah It seems like a signature weapon especially for c6 bird