Not even ugliest new character coming out this patch tbh
Trailblazers, assemble! Live updated to 5.4. Audio added.
Beta updated to 5.4.51. Added missing artifact sets.
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was a bit hard to find but he is in a cave near the mailbox with the treasure-images. he is of the round chubby variety and has a backpack with blue petals hanging out of it. if you stand right on the mailbox, look to the west, that is the cave entrance. he is standing under a little stone-arch over the pond.
also he does not refresh daily, at the time of writing he has his items refreshed in 2 and a half days.
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was a bit hard to find but he is in a cave near the mailbox with the treasure-images. he is of the round chubby variety and has a backpack with blue petals hanging out of it. if you stand right on the mailbox, look to the west, that is the cave entrance. he is standing under a little stone-arch over the pond.
also he does not refresh daily, at the time of writing he has his items refreshed in 2 and a half days.
in vanarana