Frost-Weaved Dignity

Frost-Weaved Dignity
Frost-Weaved DignityNameFrost-Weaved Dignity
FamilyArtifact Piece, Goblet of Eonothem
Part of the Set
Blizzard Strayer
Blizzard Strayer
Conversion Exp2520
Max Level17
Artifact AffixBlizzard Strayer
2-PieceCryo DMG Bonus +15%.
4-PieceSaat karakter memukul musuh yang terkena efek Cryo, CRIT Rate meningkat 20%. Jika musuh terkena Frozen, CRIT Rate meningkat lagi 20%.
DescriptionSebuah gelas yang dipahat dari sebongkah es, selalu memancarkan hawa dingin. Pemilik sebelumnya menggunakannya untuk meminum arak.

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Main Stats

Broken Rime's Echo
Icebreaker's Resolve
Snowswept Memory
Frozen Homeland's Demise
Frost-Weaved Dignity
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Health %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Attack %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Defense %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%
Elemental Mastery25.232.339.446.653.760.86875.182.289.496.5103.6110.8117.9125132.2139.3
Pyro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Electro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Cryo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Hydro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Anemo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Geo Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Dendro Damage %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Physical Damage %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%


Health %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Attack %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Defense %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%
Elemental Mastery2835.943.851.859.767.675.583.591.499.3107.2115.2123.1131138.9146.9154.8162.7170.6178.6186.5
Pyro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Electro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Cryo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Hydro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Anemo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Geo Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Dendro Damage %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Physical Damage %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Item Story

Orang asing yang biasa menemukan harapan bagi orang lain di musim dingin,
bahkan gelas untuk minum pun diukir dari kristal es.

Meminum anggur dari gelas itu terasa seperti menyeruput es batu yang menusuk setiap sisi tenggorokan.
Orang biasa pastinya akan kesulitan untuk menikmatinya, namun prajurit yang pendiam itu justru menikmatinya.

Dia adalah prajurit yang dingin dan pendiam bagaikan es, menghalangi angin yang menusuk dari bintang-bintang dengan tubuhnya.
Seorang gadis pelukis yang tidak puas dengan hanya dilindungi saja, meninggalkan kata-kata terakhirnya kepada pengagumnya tersebut:

"Jika rasa takut dan putus asa yang merupakan sifat alami manusia itu menghancurkanmu, atau menyesatkanmu, maka..."
"...Kumohon, tetaplah hidup. Jangan binasa bersama kami, lenyap dan terlupakan di dalam salju."

Dengan meminum lagi anggur dingin dan pahit itu dia memperkuat tekadnya untuk perjalanannya, dan memalingkan wajahnya dari mata basah gadis itu,
Dan dia memulai jalur pencarian tanpa akhir, menuju salju dan daratan yang luas.

One response to “Frost-Weaved Dignity”

  1. Item story:

    For the outlander who once searched for hope in midwinter on another’s behalf,
    Even the glass he drank from was carved out of ice.

    Drinking bitter wine in this glass would feel like swallowing icicles that stung every inch of one’s throat.
    Ordinary people would struggle to enjoy this sensation — but the reticent hero relished it.

    He was a warrior as silent as the ice itself, blocking the frigid winds that descended from the stars with his body.
    But not content with merely being protected, the maiden who painted left the man she admired these last instructions:

    “If fear or despair, both of which are within our nature, should crush you, or cause you to never return, then…”
    “…Then please, live on. Do not accompany us unto our doom — to languish forgotten in the snow.”

    Taking another swig of bitter wine to steel himself for the journey, he turned away from the maiden’s wet eyes,
    And he would set out on an unending pursuit, towards the land of snow and profundity.


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