I truly hope you reach your goal cuz c6-ing a four star is a NIGHTMARE (cries in c5 faruzan, c1 suc...
Trailblazers, assemble! Live updated to 5.4. Audio added.
Beta updated to 5.4.52. Added missing artifact sets.
ZZZ WIP is here. You may do your stuff, comments WILL NOT be deleted.
반짝반짝 도도코
반짝반짝 도도코
Type (Ingame)
리월의 폭죽 장인이 이웃 나라를 방문했을 때, 친절한 「불꽃 기사」를 만난 후 「불꽃 기사」의 친구 「도도코」를 참고해 만든 창의적인 폭죽
at this point i go on with old artifacts and i farm once in a while, mostly with transmuter and by ...