Scion of the Blazing Sun

Scion of the Blazing Sun
Scion of the Blazing SunNameScion of the Blazing Sun
FamilyWeapon, Bow
Conversion Exp50000
Base Attack43.73
Substat TypeCritical Rate %
Base Substat4%
Weapon AffixThe Way of Sunfire
Affix DescriptionSetelah Charged Attack mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Sunfire Arrow yang mengakibatkan DMG sebesar 60% ATK terhadap musuh yang terkena serangan dan akan memberikan efek Heartsearer yang bertahan selama 10 detik terhadap musuh yang menerima Sunfire Arrow tersebut. DMG Charged Attack Karakter yang mengenakan meningkat 28% terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Heartsearer. Sunfire Arrow dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
DescriptionSebuah busur panjang kuno yang ditinggalkan sejak zaman Raja Deshret. Tulisan kuno dan pola yang megah terukir di atasnya.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Echo of Scorching Might
A Flower Yet to Bloom
Fungal Spore
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might
Treasured Flower
Luminescent Pollen
Dream of Scorching Might
Wanderer's Blooming Flower
Crystalline Cyst Dust
Olden Days of Scorching Might

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus CritRate%MaterialsTotal Materials
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom3
Fungal Spore2
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom3
Fungal Spore2
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom12
Fungal Spore8
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Fungal Spore10
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might3
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might6
Treasured Flower6
Luminescent Pollen6
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Fungal Spore10
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might9
Treasured Flower6
Luminescent Pollen6
Dream of Scorching Might3
Treasured Flower12
Luminescent Pollen9
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Fungal Spore10
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might9
Treasured Flower18
Luminescent Pollen15
Dream of Scorching Might3
Dream of Scorching Might6
Wanderer's Blooming Flower9
Crystalline Cyst Dust6
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Fungal Spore10
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might9
Treasured Flower18
Luminescent Pollen15
Dream of Scorching Might9
Wanderer's Blooming Flower9
Crystalline Cyst Dust6
Olden Days of Scorching Might4
Wanderer's Blooming Flower18
Crystalline Cyst Dust12
Echo of Scorching Might3
A Flower Yet to Bloom15
Fungal Spore10
Remnant Glow of Scorching Might9
Treasured Flower18
Luminescent Pollen15
Dream of Scorching Might9
Wanderer's Blooming Flower27
Crystalline Cyst Dust18
Olden Days of Scorching Might4

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1Setelah Charged Attack mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Sunfire Arrow yang mengakibatkan DMG sebesar 60% ATK terhadap musuh yang terkena serangan dan akan memberikan efek Heartsearer yang bertahan selama 10 detik terhadap musuh yang menerima Sunfire Arrow tersebut. DMG Charged Attack Karakter yang mengenakan meningkat 28% terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Heartsearer. Sunfire Arrow dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
2Setelah Charged Attack mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Sunfire Arrow yang mengakibatkan DMG sebesar 75% ATK terhadap musuh yang terkena serangan dan akan memberikan efek Heartsearer yang bertahan selama 10 detik terhadap musuh yang menerima Sunfire Arrow tersebut. DMG Charged Attack Karakter yang mengenakan meningkat 35% terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Heartsearer. Sunfire Arrow dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
Scion of the Blazing Sun
3Setelah Charged Attack mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Sunfire Arrow yang mengakibatkan DMG sebesar 90% ATK terhadap musuh yang terkena serangan dan akan memberikan efek Heartsearer yang bertahan selama 10 detik terhadap musuh yang menerima Sunfire Arrow tersebut. DMG Charged Attack Karakter yang mengenakan meningkat 42% terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Heartsearer. Sunfire Arrow dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
Scion of the Blazing Sun
4Setelah Charged Attack mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Sunfire Arrow yang mengakibatkan DMG sebesar 105% ATK terhadap musuh yang terkena serangan dan akan memberikan efek Heartsearer yang bertahan selama 10 detik terhadap musuh yang menerima Sunfire Arrow tersebut. DMG Charged Attack Karakter yang mengenakan meningkat 49% terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Heartsearer. Sunfire Arrow dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
Scion of the Blazing Sun
5Setelah Charged Attack mengenai musuh, akan memanggil Sunfire Arrow yang mengakibatkan DMG sebesar 120% ATK terhadap musuh yang terkena serangan dan akan memberikan efek Heartsearer yang bertahan selama 10 detik terhadap musuh yang menerima Sunfire Arrow tersebut. DMG Charged Attack Karakter yang mengenakan meningkat 56% terhadap musuh yang berada dalam status Heartsearer. Sunfire Arrow dapat terpicu sekali setiap 10 detik.
Scion of the Blazing Sun

Item Story

Pada zaman ketika raja padang pasir bertakhta, kedaulatannya ibarat sinar mentari yang selalu menyinari bukit pasir.
Lagu para nomaden yang berkicau seperti serangga padang pasir, selamanya menyanyikan pujian bagi zaman kejayaan yang telah terlupakan.
Raja merah yang pernah menantang matahari, hingga akhirnya jatuh ke bumi seperti bintang.
Ada di antara para imam, yang luput dari pedang para raja dan pangeran, yang terus melestarikan ilmu memanah Raja Deshret ....

Keturunan para imam yang menyebut diri "Pewaris Surya Membara" terus menjalankan adat dan upacara zaman Raja Deshret tanpa berhenti.
Bahkan para pedagang pengembara dan jaringan informasinya pun hanya tahu sedikit saja tentang mereka.
Hanya sedikit dari keturunan padang pasir yang berhak terhadap warisan kaum imam Raja Deshret, dan hanya sedikit saja yang bisa membaca naskah kuno.
Lebih halnya dengan ilmu bela diri para imam zaman kuno: gada, tombak, dan memanah, ilmu kebanggaan mereka.

Para Eremite menyebut mereka dengan sebutan "pertapa", dan beberapa sudah bersumpah setia pada satu-satunya Raja Dewa yang tersisa di Sumeru.
Tapi banyak pula yang menghilang di padang pasir, bersembunyi bersama ular, kalajengking, dan arwah kerajaan kuno.
Yang setia pada hutan melestarikan adat tutup mulut dan bersembunyi, menggunakan kekuatan mereka untuk membalas budi.
Tetapi lubuk hati mereka terus meratapi nenek moyang dan Yang Mulia Raja Deshret, serta musibah yang terjadi seribu tahun lampau.

Maka ilmu memanah yang anggun dan upacaranya adatnya yang kuno, terus dilestarikan sampai hari ini oleh keturunan para imam.
Arti naskah dan lukisan kuno telah lama hilang. Bahkan ada yang salah ditafsirkan.
Dan sosok agung sang raja merah yang memasangkan anak panah ke busurnya kini hanya mimpi masa lalu yang telah sirna.
Bara rapuh bangsa kuno yang masih belum padam seluruhnya, tetapi menjadi terselubung.
Meneruskan pengetahuan masa lalu untuk melindungi peradaban masa kini.

Dan di antara para "pertapa" yang menghilang ke padang pasir, beberapa tersesat dan memalingkan muka dari takdir imamat.
Menjadi haus akan khayalan kuasa, turut campur dan ingin membentuk para suku nomaden.
Anak-anak kecil dilatih mengikuti tata cara masa lampau, dijadikan "Elang".
Ilmu yang terus ditempa dari masa ke masa, digunakan untuk melatih kasta pejuang yang di masa kini menekuni jalan yang sama sekali berbeda.
Melatih elang dan anjing tanpa nurani, demi mempersiapkan jalan bagi lahirnya sang "raja" baru ....
Tapi kisah ini biarlah diceritakan di lain kesempatan. Karena ambisi besar sering lenyap ditelan padang pasir.
Tanpa suara, laksana air mata yang jatuh ke lautan tanpa akhir.

16 responses to “Scion of the Blazing Sun”

  1. I can’t believe they want to introduce ANOTHER CRIT RATE weapon with battle pass
    they’re too stupid, it’s absurd
    ok it’s different from viridiscent hunt or whatever, but was that too difficult,to make crit dmg instead? at least they’re complementary, under a certain aspect
    but no
    again rate
    stupid idiots

    • Crit damage is interchangeable to the stat to which the character scales off. You first need to have a healthy crit rate to start investing on crit damage, and at certain point you start getting diminishing returns with only crit damage. So its better to adjust a build with crit rate, if the character also ascends with crit rate you substats alone will be easier to take you to a good crit value.

      It is also a tactic, crit rate is unobtainable on 4 star weapons without a battle pass, meanwhile the paimon shops already has crit damage weapons. They are not stupid.

      Also freaking bows have 6 CV 5 star weapons (5 because of Tighnari) and only 2 that are not, they also have 3 CV on 3 stars and now 3 on 4 stars they are eating well. Meanwhile, claymore has 2 5 star weapons and one of them just got deleted from rotation thanks to Dehya, none on 3 stars and 3 on 4 stars (with the new one from this battle pass being absolute garbage)

  2. For anyone asking:
    The wording of this weapon implicates that the Heartseeker effect remains as a debuff for the duration of 10s.

    “Applies Heartseeker effect ‘on’ the opponent for 10s -> Opponents affected by Heartsearer take 56% more Charged Attack DMG from the wielder.”

    This means that for 10s, the character does 28~56% more with CAs on that specific opponent affected.
    So pretty insane weapon and maybe it is even an event weapon (yeah, I know, it won’t be, lol).

    The downside here:
    -> It seems like the first opponent hit, eat the heartseeker arrow (so it sounds like a single-target arrow), which means it works very well against single-targets, but not against groups. So if you want to use this on Ganyu in the Abyss, aim at the spongiest opponent in a group to guarantee that effect on them. Tighnari has less to worry, as he’s single-target focused.

    Definitely a very nice weapon, imo. High base ATK and crit sub-stat is always nice on a 4* weapon, plus a decent-to-really-good weapon effect makes it even better.

  3. I assume you must be new to Genshin in order to make such a comment. No worries, we all were at some point, however I’d recommend looking at other 4-star weapons so you have a better understanding on how base Atk and substats scaling works (also explained by the other person replying to your comment).

  4. this one passive is so unclear:
    1) there is no duration specified on its debuff effect (increase dmg taken from charge attacks), does this mean is it only 1 time after the follow up CA hits, then its gone?
    2) does the Sunfire Arrow single target only (like an extra arrow from tighnari CA effect, but 1 instance of it), but in description says “decend” instead of shoot/fires, then could it be a mini-AoE, if so, will all enemy hit by it will get debuff too?

    if the effect is not only a one time dmg bonus debuff every 10 secs, then it could be OP in high hp enemies like boss. Its weird that it doesn’t provide the duration on its debuff, even umbrella has duration of its effect (10s duration while 15s cd, cd resets if affected got kill before 10s duration expires), so I assume its only 1 time dmg bonus every 12 secs (until its confirmed)

    • 1. “and applying the Heartsearer effect to the opponent damaged by said Arrow for 10s.” this means opponents affected by the Heartsearer are debuffed for 10 seconds. the 10 seconds is the duration.
      2. not sure about the Sunfire Arrow being AoE or single target. it’d be stronger if it is AoE.

    • What??? 565 is what’s considered “high” base ATK for a 4* weapon (454 low, 510 mid, 565 high). A high base ATK balances out with a low substat, and vice versa.

      • shhh dont tell them, they probably spend way too much money on 5* weapons and have their perception of reality completely tarnished

      • Holy cr4p, you guys are right. My bad my bad, i mistook this with the new 5Star bow…. To a 4star this bow has some pretty insane stats to a 4stars just like Mouun’s Moon bow, but kinda better since we don’t need R5 this for a support like F2P KujouSara.

  5. but how this %+ will work? it says that will increase de dmg of charged attack, but will be only the next charged? if it so, with this 12s cd will not be good for ganyu nor tighnari for obvious reasons, they can shoot various times between 12s cd… and we already have various good bows for them….

  6. this is a battle pass weapon right? why doesn’t it have a refreshing effect like the umbrella, like sure it might be good in single target but is gonna be way worse than the umbrella in aoe i cant


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