How is she compred with Xiao?
Are they really planning to nuke him lik it has happened with the ...
Trailblazers, assemble! Live updated to 5.4. Audio added.
Beta updated to 5.4.52. Added missing artifact sets.
ZZZ WIP is here. You may do your stuff, comments WILL NOT be deleted.
선계 초대장
선계 초대장
Type (Ingame)
임무 아이템
포롱이에게서 받은 「선계 초대장」. 친구를 선계로 불러서 자유롭게 오갈 수 있게 해주는 것 같다…. 아이템 획득 후 배치 화면에 진입해 「속세의 주전자」로 동료를 초대할 수 있다
they delayed venti's banner for quite a while now maybe he is on his way to being chronicled