The Serpent’s Bowels

The Serpent's Bowels
The Serpent's BowelsNameThe Serpent's Bowels
SubInazuma Fishing Ponds
Displayed Fish Max4
DescriptionSungai bawah tanah yang mengalir dengan tenang di Enkanomiya. Terdapat berbagai spesies ikan muncul di sungai ini, menunjukkan bahwa sungai ini mungkin terhubung dengan dunia luar.

Fish Spawn

During Day

Spawn Probability
Divda Ray2.67%
Formalo Ray2.67%
Divda Ray40.1%
Formalo Ray40.1%
Amount2 + 1~4

During Night

Spawn Probability
Lunged Stickleback2.08%
Divda Ray2.08%
Formalo Ray2.08%
Divda Ray31.25%
Formalo Ray31.25%
Lunged Stickleback31.25%
Amount2 + 1~4

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